Working with Action Groups
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Go to the Action Group tab and click "New" button:
"New Action Group" page will be shown:
Enter the Name of new Action group.
Set if it is necessary to Track History - when checked, you will be able see the history of action(s) execution.
Enter Description if needed.
Save. After this an Action Group Details tab will be shown:
Click "Edit" on Action Group View on it's details (see image above). You can also rename group if select "Edit" from list drop-down at the proper entry on groups list:
Share, Execute, Execute in batch, Execute on Schedule, Execute on Schedule in Batch Buttons in Action Groups work the same way as for Actions.
See more details at Working with existing Action.
Here are some specific details for action groups:
Execute, Execute on Schedule
If you are working with action group with different types of source object you can pass sources as JSON Array which contains sources for each action from your Action Group.
There are 2 ways you can pass sources:
Option 1: Pass Action ids with record Id for each action
"{Action1_ID}":"{record1_Id}", "{Action2_ID}":"{record2_Id}",...
Option 2: Pass Object Name and Record Id. All Actions which use specified object as a source will use specified record Id
For example if there are 4 actions in the group, 3 of them use Account as Source object and 1 - Contact and you pass: "Account":"{Account.Id}", "Contact":"{Contact.Id}"
3 actions will get the Account.Id as source and 1 - Contact.Id
Execute in Batch, Execute on Schedule in Batch
Execute in Batch can't be applied to the Group of Actions with different Source objects. It can work with one type of source object or if source object is not specified since the context record always will be queried object type.
Execute, Execute on Schedule
You can attach a file to the action (e.g., some descriptive document or image).
Click "Attach File" button and follow the instructions on the page shown.
Adding existing action to the Action Group.
Click "Add Action" button and Actions tree will be shown in the popup. Choose necessary from the list of existing actions:
Adding new action to the action group is the same as adding new action on "Actions" tab.
Click "New Action" and refer the article How to create Action to fill in New Action inputs.
Actions in the group will be executed in the specified order (upper first). To change order of actions use "Up" and "Down" links.
Clicking "Deactivate" link user can exclude any action from execution in the current Action Group.
History tab will show the history of execution of the Action Group if the Track History selected on Action Group properties.
Click View link to see details on each action execution:
"Source" cell can contain link to the record for which Action Group ran (if exists).
Variables shows values assigned to the actions from the group.
Action Group, as far as single Action, can have some parameters. In terms of Action Group, parameters can be passed as standard Variables.
The main advantages of Action Group Variables are:
Variables that are passed as parameters, or defined in some Action in the Group, are available in subsequent Actions.
These Variables can be changed in the Group with actions of "Define Variable" type.
For example, assume user needs to auto-combine email notification. This can be done with the following way:
E.g., user needs to send emails where some person name should be highlighted with given color in all places it appeared.
User triggers an Action Group (e.g., by clicking a button on some form) and passes current record creator's ID to this Group as parameter (variable): person = {$SomeObject.SomeUser.Name}
and color="purple"
first action receives this parameter and updates this variable: person = <span style="background-color:{$Variables.color}; font-weight:bold;padding: 0 0.25em;">{$Variables.person}</span>
second action receives this updated person
variable and sends email with some text, like this:
5. In the letter sent all person names will be highlighted.