The Gantt Dashboard represents events as classic Gantt chart. It allows dashboard user to view a project or events schedule on the timeline, and manage them. Here is how such dashboard can look like:
To make this dashboard administrator should do actions listed below:
Create new dashboard
Give it a name and description.
Select default "White" theme.
Save dashboard and go to Kanban builder.
Configure dashboard
Go to Variables Configuration tab. Add these variables:
from = FORMULA[STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date})]
to = FORMULA[ADDDAYS(STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date}),7,false)]
columnName = FORMULA[FORMAT(STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date}),'d MMM yyyy') + ' - ' + FORMAT(ADDDAYS(STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date}),6,false),'d MMM yyyy')]
dayOfWeek = FORMULA[{$System.Date} - STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date})]
Go to Statistics Configuration.
Add the cell which will overlay unnecessary views selector. Set these properties to it:
Set CSS Styles to this cell:
Copy font-weight: bold;
background-color: #F7F7F7;
font-size: 1.5em;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
padding: 0 1.5em 0 1.5em;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
Add another cell with these properties:
Set Value to the following formula:
{$Variables.range} = 'week',
{$Variables.range} = 'month',
FORMAT({$Variables.from},'MMMM yyyy'),
{$Variables.range} = 'quarter',
FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},1,false), 'yyyy') + ', Quarter ' + CASE(FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$}, -1, false), 'M'),'3','I','6','II','9','III','IV'),
FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy')
This formula sets the text at the middle of Kanban header to represent currently selected date range.
Configure column
Add 1 column to the dashboard.
Name it {$Variables.columnName}
Leave column width default ("auto")
Leave column "Is Active" checkbox default (checked)
Set these properties to the column:
Data Source Type = SObject
Order = Start Date Time, asc
Set the following conditions to the column (set type to "Formula" to all):
End Date Time >= FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
Start Date Time < FORMULA[FORMAT({$}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
End Date Time < FORMULA[FORMAT({$}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
Start Date Time >= FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
Start Date Time < FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
End Date Time >= FORMULA[FORMAT({$}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')]
Set this logic to column conditions:
Copy ({1} AND {3}) OR ({2} AND {4}) OR ({5} AND {6})
Copy padding-top: 2.5rem;
background-color: #fff;
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
Add a background-image property to column body CSS styles. Set its value to this code (don't think about formatting - the code below will lose it after being inserted into CSS Rule Value input field):
Copy repeating-linear-gradient(
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(6 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
rgba(150,150,255,0.1) calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(6 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
rgba(150,150,255,0.1) calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(8 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(8 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(13 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(7 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
RGBA(187,187,187,0.56) calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(7 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
RGBA(187,187,187,0.56) calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(7 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(7 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
transparent calc(
(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)])
(14 - FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week', 0, {$Variables.dayOfWeek})])
{$Variables.range} = 'year',
', repeating-linear-gradient(
#fff 0px,
#fff calc(
' + TEXT(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)) + '
#eee calc(
' + TEXT(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)) + '
#eee calc(
' + TEXT(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE({$}), DATETIMEVALUE({$Variables.from}), false)) + '
This big formula is used to make column background depending on date range selected:
First background gradient draws weekends
Second gradient draws borders between weeks
Third gradient draws days borders (except when date range = year , because only weeks are drawn due too small days widths)
Copy padding: 0.4rem 0 0.25rem 0;
top: 0px;
background: transparent;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
border-bottom: 2px solid #ddd;
We're moving column footer to the top in order to have a header where we can use Rows
Set the following Rows with Cells on them (all cells should have Type = Text ):
Row 1 (for Quarter date range)
Cell Value
Cell CSS styles
Copy FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from},'MMMM')]
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'quarter',block,none)];
text-align: center;
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), false)] *Β FORMULA[IF( Β Β Β Β FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},15,false),'M') = '4', Β Β Β Β 30, Β Β Β Β 31 Β Β ) ] );
Copy FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},45,false),'MMMM')]
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150, 255, 150, 0.25);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'quarter',block,none)];
text-align: center;
width: calc(100% / Β FORMULA[ Β Β DAYSBETWEEN( Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β false Β Β ) ] Β * Β FORMULA[ Β Β CASE( Β Β Β Β FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},45,false),'M'), Β Β Β Β '5',31, Β Β Β Β '8',31, Β Β Β Β '11',30, Β Β Β Β IF( Β Β Β Β Β Β DAYSBETWEEN( Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β false Β Β Β Β Β Β ) = 91, Β Β Β Β Β Β 29, Β Β Β Β Β Β 28 Β Β Β Β ) Β Β ) ] );
Copy FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},75,false),'MMMM')]
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
background-color: rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'quarter',block,none)];
text-align: center;
width: calc(100% / Β FORMULA[ Β Β DAYSBETWEEN( Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), Β Β Β Β false Β Β ) ] Β * Β FORMULA[ Β Β CASE( Β Β Β Β FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from},75,false),'M'), Β Β Β Β '3',31, Β Β Β Β '12',31, Β Β Β Β 30 Β Β ) ] );
Row 2 (for Year date range)
Cell Value
Cell Title
Cell CSS Styles
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
text-align: center;
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150, 255, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * FORMULA[ Β Β IF( Β Β Β Β DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false) = 366, Β Β Β Β 29, Β Β Β Β 28) ]);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
text-align: center;
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
background-color: rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 30);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150, 255, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
background-color: rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 30);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150, 255, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
background-color: rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 30);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150,150,255,0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(150,255,150,0.25);
background-color: rgba(150, 255, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 30);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Copy box-shadow: 0 -0.4rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25), 0 0.25rem 0 rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
background-color: rgba(255, 150, 150, 0.25);
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false)] * 31);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'year',block,none)];
Row 3 (for Month date range)
Set names from 1 to 31 to them
Cell Value
Cell CSS Styles
Copy display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'month',block,none)];
text-align: center;
width: calc(100% / FORMULA[CASE(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false),28,'28',29,'29',30,'30','31')]);
Copy width: calc(100% / FORMULA[CASE(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false),28,'28',29,'29',30,'30','31')]);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF(AND({$Variables.range} = 'month',DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false) > 28),block,none)];
Copy width: calc(100% / FORMULA[CASE(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false),28,'28',29,'29',30,'30','31')]);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF(AND({$Variables.range} = 'month',DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false) > 29),block,none)];
Copy width: calc(100% / FORMULA[CASE(DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false),28,'28',29,'29',30,'30','31')]);
text-align: center;
display: FORMULA[IF(AND({$Variables.range} = 'month',DAYSBETWEEN(DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')), DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from},'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),false) > 30),block,none)];
Days from 1 to 28 are shown for each month. Days from 29 to 31 are shown depending on specific month length.
Row 4 (for Week date range)
Set CSS Styles to all of them to the following:
Copy text-align: center;
width: calc(100% / 7);
display: FORMULA[IF({$Variables.range} = 'week',block,none)];
Set their Values to these:
Copy Sun, FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Mon, FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 1, false), 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Tue, FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 2, false), 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Wed, FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 3, false), 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Thu, FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 4, false), 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Fri, FORMULA[FORMAT(ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 5, false), 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Copy Sat, FORMULA[FORMAT({$}, 'dd MMM yyyy')]
Configure card
This card does not require configuring Junction Settings in the one existing column. Just leave "Visible in this column" checkbox checked.
Set Data Source Type to "Event ".
Configure Card Layout
Click "+" button to add new Form. Create new form with these properties:
Check "Save" button for "Edit" mode only. Uncheck other.
{$Event.Subject} (for all modes)
Add these elements to the form:
Type = Section
Name = section
Title = ''
(leave empty)
Columns = 2
Show on Edit page = true
Show on View page = true
Scrollable = false
Type = Button
Name = button
Title = Close
Show on Edit page = true
Show on View page = true
The following elements all should be added into section configured above.
All these elements should be Data Source Fields:
Data Source Field = Subject
Name = Subject
Title = Subject
Data Source Field = Type
Name = Type
Title = Type
Data Source Field = EventSubtype
Name = EventSubtype
Title = Subtype
Data Source Field = StartDateTime
Name = StartDateTime
Title = Start Date Time
Data Source Field = EndDateTime
Name = EndDateTime
Title = End Date Time
Data Source Field = Description
Name = Description
Title = Description
Set properties of all Data Source Fields above to:
Conditional Styles = (not set)
View Type (for picklists) = Single list
Hide 'None' (for picklists) = false
Option groups (for picklists) = (not set)
Action name and Title = Close Panel
Type = Form API
Form Action Type = Fire Event
Name = e.c.:ApplicationEvent
Parameters = Name: data
; Value Type: Object
; Value: {"componentType":"c:KanBanPanelComponent","method":"hideCard"}
Has Conditions = false
Action name and Title = Refresh Column
Type = Form API
Form Action Type = Fire Event
Name = e.c.:ApplicationEvent
Parameters = Name : data
; Value Type : Object
; Value : {"componentType":"c:KanBanColumnComponent","method":"refresh","params":{"kanbans":"{$FormParameters.kanban}"}}
Has Conditions = true
Conditions = 1 : Form.StartDateTime not equal to {$Event.StartDateTime}
; 2 : Form.EndDateTime not equal to {$Event.EndDateTime}
Conditions logic = {1} OR {2}
Add the following events to the form:
Element what event is added to
Event properties
Event Handler
Type: onAfterSave
Enabled: true
"Refresh Column " action without parameters
Type: onClick
Enabled: true
"Close Panel " action without parameters
Set these parameters for the Card Layout body:
Set other Card Layout properties:
Go to "Header Configuration" tab and set Text in Title Settings to "{event.Subject} ".
The Layout described above will show the form with basic Event properties that can be edited.
Configure Card Compact Layout
Set the following CSS Styles to the whole Card:
Copy color: #ffffff;
border: 0px none;
padding: 0;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) inset;
Add a background-color property to Card CSS Styles and set its value to the following formula:
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'meeting'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'send'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'letter'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'email')
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'call'),
This formula sets the Card background color depending on keywords the subject of Event can contain:
Event with "meeting" word in subject is light green
Event with "send", "letter" or "email" word is red
Event with "call" word is blue
Other events are yellow brown
Add a border-radius CSS property and set its value to the following formula:
{Event.StartDateTime} < DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
'0 ',
'5px '
) +
{Event.EndDateTime} > DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
'0 0 ',
'5px 5px '
) +
{Event.StartDateTime} < DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
This formula sets the border radius of Cards (that are Gantt Chart Lines) corners to represent if the current Gantt line is started or ended in the shown date range or not. If the start (or end) date is out of range, both left (or right) corners will not be rounded, otherwise they will be rounded.
Add a left CSS property and set its value to the following formula:
{Event.StartDateTime} < DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
({Event.StartDateTime} - DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}'))) * 100 / (
DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
This formula calculates position of the Card left side that should represent the Start Date of Event. The SCALE(***,8) function truncates the result to 8 digits in order to avoid long decimal fractions.
Add a width CSS property and set its value to the following formula:
{Event.EndDateTime} > DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}'))
({Event.EndDateTime} - DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}'))) * 100 / (
DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
{Event.StartDateTime} < DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}'))
({Event.StartDateTime} - DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}'))) * 100 / (
DATETIMEVALUE(FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'yyyy-MM-dd{QUOTE}T00:00:00Z{QUOTE}')),
This formula calculates the width of the Card. Position of Card right side after applying left and width CSS properties will represent the End Date of Event. Width of the card, thus, represents its duration.
Change the Value of default existing Card Component to {Event.Subject} .
Set its Title to the same value.
Set its CSS Styles to these:
Copy width: calc(100% - 24px);
padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem 0 0.5rem;
font-size: 1.1em;
Set its Value to the following formula:
Copy utility:FORMULA[
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'meeting'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'send'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'letter'),
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'email')
CONTAINS(LOWER({Event.Subject}), 'call'),
This formula sets the icon depending on keywords the subject of Event can contain:
Event with "meeting" word in subject has utility:groups icon
Event with "send", "letter" or "email" word has utility:email icon
Event with "call" word has utility:call icon
Other events have utility:note icon
Set its Title to {Event.Subject}
Set its CSS Styles to these:
Copy width: 16px;
padding: 0.25rem 0 0 0.5rem;
box-sizing: content-box;
Set its Value to this formula:
Copy β FORMULA[FORMAT({Event.StartDateTime},'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm')] β FORMULA[FORMAT({Event.EndDateTime},'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm')] βΊ
Set its Title to this formula:
Copy Start date: FORMULA[FORMAT({Event.StartDateTime},'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm')]; end date: FORMULA[FORMAT({Event.EndDateTime},'dd MMM yyyy, HH:mm')]
Set its Handler to this one:
Parameters: id = {Event.Id}
Set its CSS Styles to these:
Copy font-size: 0.9em;
padding: 0 0.5rem 0.25rem 0.5rem;
Configure dashboard actions and action groups
There are several action groups needed to be created. These groups are listed below with actions they contain. Order of actions in groups is determined by actions indexes: the action with lowest index will be executed first. Refer to proper articles to know how to work with actions and action groups .
"Get Previous Dates" action group
Create Action Group named "Get Previous Dates" and add following actions to it:
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.button} = 'prev', {$Variables.range} = 'quarter')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$Variables.from}, -3)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$}, -3)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.button} = 'prev', {$Variables.range} = 'year')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDYEARS({$Variables.from}, -1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDYEARS({$}, -1)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'month', {$Variables.button} = 'prev')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$Variables.from}, -1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$}, -1)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'week', {$Variables.button} = 'prev')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, -7, false)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDDAYS({$}, -7, false)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = Always
Variable Type = Text
Variable Name = columnName
Variable Value =
Copy FORMULA[FORMAT({$Variables.from}, 'd MMM yyyy') + ' - ' + FORMATGMT({$}-1, 'd MMM yyyy')]
Type = Define Variable
Execute = Always
Variable Type = Text
Variable Name = dayOfWeek
Variable Value =
Copy FORMULA[INTNUMBER({$Variables.from} - STARTOFWEEK({$Variables.from}))]
"Get Next Dates" action group
Create Action Group named "Get Next Dates" and add following actions to it:
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'week', {$Variables.button} = 'next')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDDAYS({$Variables.from}, 7, false)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDDAYS({$}, 7, false)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'quarter', {$Variables.button} = 'next')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$Variables.from}, 3)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$}, 3)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'year', {$Variables.button} = 'next')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy AND({$Variables.range} = 'month', {$Variables.button} = 'next')
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$Variables.from}, 1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS({$}, 1)]"
(this is the same action that was already created for the "Get Previous Dates" action group)
(this is the same action that was already created for the "Get Previous Dates" action group)
"Get Date Ranges" action group
Create Action Group named "Get Date Ranges" and add following actions to it:
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy {$Variables.range} = 'week'
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"to":"FORMULA[ADDDAYS(STARTOFWEEK({$System.Date}), 7, false)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy {$Variables.range} = 'year'
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), 1, 1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDYEARS(DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), 1, 1), 1)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy {$Variables.range} = 'month'
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), MONTH({$System.Date}), 1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS(DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), MONTH({$System.Date}), 1), 1)]"
Type = Define Variable
Execute = With Conditions
Conditions type = Formula
Formula Expression =
Copy {$Variables.range} = 'quarter'
Variable Type = JSON
Variables JSON =
Copy {
"from":"FORMULA[DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) >=10, 10, IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) <=3, 1, IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) <=6, 4, 7))), 1)]",
"to":"FORMULA[ADDMONTHS(DATE(YEAR({$System.Date}), IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) >=10, 10, IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) <=3, 1, IF(MONTH({$System.Date}) <=6, 4, 7))), 1), 3)]"
(this is the same action that was already created for the "Get Previous Dates" action group)
(this is the same action that was already created for the "Get Previous Dates" action group)
Configure dashboard buttons and menus
Basic configuration:
Type = Icon
Title = Previous {$Variables.range}
Icon = utility:left
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Previous Dates
Parameters = variables = {"button":"prev"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans
Basic configuration:
Type = Button
Label = FORMULA[REPLACE({$Variables.range},SUBSTR(,0,1),UPPER(SUBSTR({$Variables.range},0,1)))]
Title = {$Variables.range}
Position = Right and Top
Basic configuration:
Type = Icon
Title = Next {$Variables.range}
Icon = utility:right
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Next Dates
Parameters = variables = {"button":"next"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans
Add Menu Buttons to the Menu created above and set these properties for them:
Basic Configuration:
Type = Standard
Label = Quarter
Title = Quarter
Conditions = FORMULA[{$Variables.range != 'quarter']
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Date Ranges
Parameters = variables = {"range":"quarter"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans
Basic Configuration:
Type = Standard
Label = Month
Title = Month
Conditions = FORMULA[{$Variables.range != 'month']
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Date Ranges
Parameters = variables = {"range":"month"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans
Basic Configuration:
Type = Standard
Label = Year
Title = Year
Conditions = FORMULA[{$Variables.range != 'year']
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Date Ranges
Parameters = variables = {"range":"year"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans
Basic Configuration:
Type = Standard
Label = Week
Title = Week
Conditions = FORMULA[{$Variables.range != 'week']
Handler configuration:
Type = Action Group
Value = Get Date Ranges
Parameters = variables = {"range":"week"}
Success Handler = Kanban API -> Refresh Kanbans