Send Email Action
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This type of Action allows to send an email in different formats.
Add an action with the Action Type = Send Email (1). See more info about creating Actions in Working with Actions article
Select email Type (2). See below.
Populate mandatory "Subject" field (3)
Select users to send emails to (4)
Specify "From" field (5).By default user will get email from current user email address. If you specify "From", user will get email from current user email address, but the label will be shown as specified in "From". If the Organization has "Organization-wide email address" specified, you can insert it's name in the "From" field and it will be displayed to the recipient as "from" address.
Save As Activity (6) - automatically create a standard Salesforce Activity and add it to the Activity timeline of the person (see picture below). If check this option, the new field will appear:
Target Object ID (7) - ID of the person that activity will be created for. If omit this field, system will create activity for default person that is selected as "Email Delivery Contact" on the Settings tab.
Specify Attachments (8), if necessary. See below.
To make activity created, person must match the following criteria:
It must have Activities enabled. By default Activities are enabled for Contacts and Leads.
It must have correct Email address specified. If system can't send email, activity will not be created and error will be shown.
You can send email to selected Users, Contacts, Leads, all users inside selected Profiles, Roles, Groups or you can set custom recipient using Advanced mode.
If switch to Advanced mode (10), the "To" field will switch to text input mode (11), and selected users will be shown as their Salesforce IDs. In this mode user is able to populate "To" field with merge fields or formula returning ID or list of IDs. These IDs must be valid IDs of Salesforce users.
Email types are:
Plain Text - email type using a very basic character set and contains no formatting or images. The email message should be typed in the proper area (11).
HTML - email type supporting HTML to provide formatting and semantic markup capabilities in email that are not available with plain text. The email message should be typed in the proper area (9) as HTML code. If HTML is selected, a "Preview" button (12) will be shown. Click it to see how HTML code entered will be shown in browser.
Note: keep in mind that there is no unified standard of rendering emails and supporting HTML/CSS properties. Each email service and application can show the same email differently. Please study email layouting basics before.
Email Template - user is to choose existing email template from the list.
If select this type, you must select Email Template (13). Note that to be able to use standard email templates, you should provide "Email Delivery Contact" on the Basic Settings Tab.
Optionally, specify the Source ID (14). It is an ID of the record of Data Source Object, whose data will be used in Email Template merge fields (if any). If not specify (by default) it will be an ID of the current Action.
Adding attachments (7). This option is available only if Email type = Plain text or HTML:
Add as many attachments as necessary
Enter File IDs or Names if you have source record specified. All files with matching names attached to the source record will be sent as attachment. For IDs you should specify Content Version IDs.
Note: file names can be used only when you have source record specified (14). Otherwise use IDs.
Save the action
Now you can call it from Kanban and other arias.