How to Set and Use Column Custom Attributes

Custom attributes can be used as additional custom fields of column. You can use them in merge fields in any place where column is available as context object ($Column, $SourceColumn, $TargetColumn).

Go to "Custom Attributes" section of column properties at the right sidebar. Click "add" link, fill in fields "Name" and "Value":


You can add any number of custom attributes with unique names:

  • Merge fields are not allowed to be used in custom attributes - they will not be calculated and may cause errors.

  • Custom Attribute name must not contain spaces, non-latin letters and special symbols

  • Custom Attributes names must be unique at the same column

Save current dashboard. After saving custom attributes will be available for current column context object:


Custom attributes should have "a__" prefix to be used in merge fields:


By default, when you create a kanban in the wizard and turn on "Allow users to move cards between columns", an application adds a Custom Attribute with "setValueTo" name.

This attribute is used in the Action that is triggered by card movement

Values of this Attribute correspond to field values selected to add columns.

Last updated