How to display different layouts for the same kanban card
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Kanban can display different layout tabs for the same card depending on what cell has been clicked by user.
Create kanban variable that will toggle layout types:
In Card Layout settings set 'Layout Body' to Standard (Body Configuration tab):
Go to "Tabs Configuration" and create 2 Layout tabs.
Set conditions to display each tab using variable you created:
On the Card Compact layout choose cell that will handle mouse click ("onClick" event) to display specified layout tab:
Add handlers for "Account Name" cell:
"Update Variables" handler sets "2" value to "layoutType" variable, which means that click on Account Name will load layout's "Tab 2" tab (based on layout tabs conditions)
"Refresh Card Layout" handler:
Save Kanban.
Based on the setup above card layout types will switch from 'Tab 1' to 'Tab 2' tab each displaying separate KanBan Form based on what cell user clicks.