

Converts a string representing a number into a decimal number.


Replace parameter with a string you need to convert to decimal.

If parameter contains non-digit symbols, the function will throw an exception.


Converts a string representing a number into an integer.


Replace parameter with a string you need to convert to integer.

If parameter contains non-digit symbols, the function will throw an exception.

3. SUM

Returns integer or decimal value representing a sum of numeric parameters.

SUM(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2', etc). arguments.

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments.

4. SUB

Returns integer or decimal value representing result of sequential subtraction.

SUB(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2, etc. arguments).

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments - they will be subtracted first and then results will be subtracted.


Returns integer or decimal value representing result of multiplication.

MULT(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2, etc. arguments).

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments.

6. DIV

Returns integer or decimal value representing result of sequential dividing.

DIV(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2, etc. arguments).

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments - they will be divided first and then results will be divided.


Returns the positive square root of a given number.


Replace parameter with the field or expression you want computed into a square root.

8. ABS

Calculates the absolute value of a number (a number without its positive or negative sign).


Replace parameter with a field or numeric value that has the sign you want removed.

9. LOG

Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number.


Replace parameter with the field or expression from which you want the base 10 logarithm calculated.

10. POW

Returns one value (x) raised to the power of another value (y), i.e. x^y.

POW(parameter, exponent)

Replace parameter argument with integer or double value that needs to be raised to the power of exponent argument.

11. MOD

Returns a remainder after a number is divided by a specified divisor.

MOD(parameter1, parameter2)


parameter1 with the field or expression you want to be divided;

parameter2 with the number to use as the divisor.

12. MIN

Returns the lowest number from several numeric values.

MIN(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2, etc. arguments).

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments.

13. MAX

Returns the highest number from several numeric values.

MAX(list_of_values OR value1, value2, ...)

Replace list_of_values argument with the list of numeric values (or pass numeric values as value1, value2, etc. arguments).

You can also pass combination of arrays and separate numeric arguments.


Returns the rounded approximation of a decimal value.


Replace decimal_value with the decimal to be rounded, and pass one of the allowed rounding modes (CEILING, FLOOR, DOWN, UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_UP).


Returns the decimal scaled to the specified number of decimal places.

SCALE(decimal_value, decimal_places)


decimal_value with decimal value you want scaled;

decimal_places with number of decimal places to be left.


Generates a random 19-digit number (positive or negative; negative number will also have a sign).


This function doesn't require parameters.


Formats the decimal value to make it have readable view (adds thousands separators and removes leading zeroes).


Replace decimal_value with decimal value you want to be formatted.

Last updated