Allows using of special symbols within the formula.
Use any of the below expressions whenever you need formula to contain special symbol(s):
for single quote ('
for double quote ("
for opening bracket ((
for closing bracket ()
for opening square bracket ([
for closing square bracket (]
for tabulation
for backslash (\
for line break
for carriage return
Compares two arguments of text and returns true if the first argument contains the second argument. If not, returns false.
CONTAINS(source_string, search_string)
Replace source_string
with the text that should be searched for a value of search_string
Determines whether a string begins with the characters of another string, returning true if it does. If not, returns false.
STARTS(source_string, search_string)
Replace source_string
with the text that should be checked for starting from the value of search_string
4. POS
Gets the position of a string within another string and returns it as a number.
POS(source_string, search_string)
Replace source_string
with the field or expression you want to search and search_string
with the string you want to find.
Determines whether a string ends with the characters of another string, returning true if it does. If not, returns false.
ENDS(source_string, search_string)
Replace source_string
with the text that should be checked for ending with the value of search_string
Returns a new String that begins with the character at the specified start position and extends until the character at end position.
SUBSTR(source_string, start_index, end_index)
Replace source_string
with the string, field or expression where you want to get a substring from, start_index
with the position substring begins from, end_index
with the position substring ends at.
Note that position indexes are starting from 0.
Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters, and returns a resulting string.
REPLACE(source_string, from_string, to_string, regex_boolean_optional)
Replace source_string
with string to be changed, from_string
with characters to be replaced in source_string
, and to_string
with the replacement set of characters.
User can pass regular expression as a from_string
argument as well. In this case user should add 'true
' as an optional regex_boolean_optional
8. Remove
Removes one or more substrings from a source string.
REMOVE(source_string, string_parameter1, string_parameter2, ...)
Replace source_strin
g with the text field or expression you want to remove substrings from and string_parameter1
, string_parameter2
, etc with substrings to be removed from the source string.
9. LEN
Returns the number of characters in a specified text string (string length).
Replace string
with the field or expression which length you want get.
Returns an array (a list) that contains each substring of the source string that is split on given parameter. Substrings are placed in the array in the order in which they occur in the source string.
SPLIT(source_string, separator_string)
Replace source_string
with the text field or expression to be split, and separator_string
with a substring to split on.
11. JOIN
Joins the elements of an array into a single string separated by the specified separator.
JOIN(array, separator_string, left_string_optional, right_string_optional)
Replace array
argument with an array you want to join to a string, separator_string
with a string to insert between array elements. left_string_optiona
l and right_string_optional
arguments are optional and can be used to modify array elements (add some text leftside or rightside of each of them) before joining.
Converts all of the characters in the string to lowercase.
Replace string
parameter with a string you need to convert to lowercase.
Converts all of the characters in the string to uppercase.
Replace string
parameter with a string you need to convert to uppercase.
Returns a string which characters are escaped using specified rule.
Replace string
parameter with a sting to be escaped and sepcify one of the allowed escape rules as second argument.
15. ID
Converts a string to Salesforce object ID.
Replace string
argument with value that should be treated as ID.
16. BR
Adds <br> (line break) HTML tag when used.
Add BR()
to other functions or output text values wherever you need a line break.
17. TEXT
Converts any data type into text.
Replace parameter
with the field or expression you want to convert to text format.
18. BLOB
Casts the specified string to a Binary Large Object.
Replace string
argument with a string you need to cast to BLOB
19. TOBASE64
Converts a BLOB to a Base64-encoded String representing its normal form.
Replace blob_parameter
with a BLOB content you need to convert to base64.
Converts a Base64-encoded string to a BLOB representing its normal form.
Replace string_parater
with Base64-encoded string.
Returns a hexadecimal (base 16) representation of the string.
Replace string_parameter
with a string you need to convert to hex.
Converts the specified hexadecimal (base 16) value to string.
Replace string_parameter
with a hex string you need to convert to text.
Encodes or decodes a string in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format using a specific encoding scheme.
URLENCODE(string_to_encode, format_optional, boolean_encode_optional)
Replace string_to_encode
parameter with string to be encoded (or decoded).
Optionally: provide specific encoding scheme in format_optional
argument (default is UTF-8), and pass false as a boolean_encode_optional
argument if you need to decode string.
Сonverts integer amount of minutes (numeric value) into string in the XXXh YYm
or ZZZd XXh YYm
TOTEXTDURATION(integer_minutes_parameter, hours_in_day_optional)
Replace integer_minutes_parameter
with integer representing number of minutes to get duration in hours and minutes.
Optional hours_in_day_optional
argument represents how many hours in a working day are set. Add it to get duration in working days, hours and minutes.
Converts string in the XXXh YYm
or ZZZd XXh YYm
format to integer representing number of minutes. Returns numeric value.
FROMTEXTDURATION(string_parameter, hours_in_day_optional)
Replace string_parameter
with a string to be converted.
Add optional hours_in_day_optional
argument to specify how many work hours one working day consists of.
Searches a string for a match against a regular expression, and returns the matches in an array.
MATCH(regex_string, data_string)
Replace regex_string
with a regular expression, and data_string
with the string to compare to regex.
Last updated