How to configure Card Data Source and Conditions
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Click on card. Go to the "Data" section of card properties at the right sidebar. Select data source in the "Data Source Type" picklist:
Card will be shown in the column only when data sources of card and column are the same.
Conditions are the way to specify which card should be shown for records of the same data source basing on their properties.
E.g., you have an kanban for Cases which has columns corresponding to basic Case Status values: New, Working, Escalated, Closed.
You can make 2 cards for the "Case" object:
One card can be shown for records which represent cases received online (Case.Origin = "Web") and it can have a compact layout with some necessary fields (Case number, Subject, Author, Created Date, etc.) and specific design (e.g., icons indicating Priority and Case Type).
Another card can be shown for records with other origins and has compact layout with smaller set of fields (Case Number, Subject, Reproter, Case Origin)
If you specify conditions for a first card, it will be shown only for records that match these conditions; other records will be represented by the second card. You can configure a chain of conditions, but do not forget to make a default card that will not have conditions at all (or at least have an opposite conditions).
Click on a necessary card, go to "Conditions" section and click on link "create" ("edit"). Card conditions dialog popup will open. Configure conditions there. For example above they will be:
Click "Save" to apply changes in card conditions and save a dashboard.