How to configure communication between Dashboard and Form
The communication between Dashboard and Form can be divided to 2 directions:
From Dashboard to Form
From Form to Dashboard
Dashboard to Form communications
This direction of communications can be implemented by using the following features:
Triggering an event (like button click) which has a handler of "Form" type with custom parameters. This shows a form in the popup. A called form should get these parameters and can do different thing depending on them. Example:
User can have a form with a long text;
This text has a conditional style, that shows it when Form parameter named "ShowText" is equal to "yes", and hides in other cases;
User adds handlers to elements on Kanban Cards, that will show this form for current record. One of these handlers calls a from with "ShowText" = "yes" parameter, and other with "ShowText" = "no";
Thus, user communicates with form and asks it to show or hide the text element.
Triggering an event which has a handler of "Form API" type with or without custom parameters. This handler required ID of Form where necessary Form Action is, and name of the Action on this form, that will be executed. This will work when Dashboard and Form are on the same page (e.g., integrated into the same Lightning Page).
Triggering an event which has a handler of "Action" type with or without custom parameters. The action should be of "Call Apex" type and should call proper Apex Class with the necessary parameters, where can pass the own parameters got from the Dashboard. Ask an administrator of your organization for list of available Apex Classes and their properties.
Form to Dashboard communications
This direction of communications can be implemented by executing the following actions:
Actions of Kanban API type (see proper article):
Refresh Kanbans
Print Kanban
Refresh / Show / Hide Columns
Refresh / Hide Layout Panel
Update Variables
Global actions:
Update Variables (useful when some calculations with variables should be done, because passing variable values via Kanban API method does not allow any formulas).
Last updated