Deserializes the specified JSON string into object or array.

JPARSE(json_string, separator_optional)


json_string parameter with a JSON format string you need to parse;

separator_optional optional parameter to make function convert string to array by splitting it.


Deserializes the specified XML string into object.


Replace xml_string parameter with a string (in XML format) you need to parse.


Builds an object from provided key names and values.

JOBJECT(key1, value1, key2, value2, ...)


key1, key2 parameters with strings that are key names

value1, value2 parameters with strings that are key values

If omit some value, it will be stored as null.

Object values depend on data passed to the function:

  • blank space and null will give null value

  • logical expression and true will give true value. False is got in the same way.

  • if value is numeric (or has numeric result of calculation), it will be given as a number, without quotes.

  • to make empty string value, pass ''.

  • to make a nested object, call JOBJECT function in the proper place.

Empty keys will be ignored


Serializes objects into JSON string.


Replace json_object parameter with an object you need to convert into string.


Gets a value from JSON content using a path provided.

JGET(json_object, path)


json_object parameter with an object you want to use;

path parameter with the path to find a field in the object (or pass index for arrays).


Puts a value into JSON content using a path provided.

JPUT(json_object, path, value)


json_object parameter with an object you want to use;

path parameter with the path to find a field in the object to update;

value parameter with the value a field will be updated with.

You can also pass index as a path if you operate with an array.

If value needs to be added as a last element of an array pass -1 as a path.


Removes a field from JSON content using a path provided.

JREMOVE(json_object, key_or_jsonobject)


json_object parameter with an object you want to use;

key_or_jsonobject parameter with the key to find a field you need to remove or with array element to be removed from JSON array.

If you need to remove multiple values from object you can pass array of object keys as a key_or_jsonobject

Same is true for JSON arrays: if you need to remove several elements from JSON array pass an array of elements to be removed.


Clears a whole JSON object or nested object using a path provided.

JCLEAR(json_object, key_or_jsonobject_optional)


json_object parameter with an object you want to use;

key_or_jsonobject_optional optional parameter with the key to find a field you need to remove or with path to nested object as array of elements.


Returns a number of elements in JSON content.


Replace json_object parameter with an object or array you want to get size of.


Checks if an element exists in JSON.

JEXIST(json_object, path)


json_object parameter with an object you want to use ;

path parameter with the path to find a field you need to check (or index if you work with JSON array).


Merges 2 JSON objects into one.

JMERGE(json_object, json_object)

Replace both json_object parameters with objects you want to merge.


Executes specified function for each element of the list.

JEACH(json_array, function, exclude_nulls_boolean)


json_array parameter with an array you want to use;

function parameter with expression to be executed for each array element;

optional exclude_nulls_boolean parameter with true to have null values be excluded from the resulting array, or with false, if include null values.

You can get current element by using the merge field "{$JEach}" and current element index by using the merge field "{$JEachIndex}".


Executes specified functions for each key and/or value of the JSON object.

JEACHMAP(json_object, key_function, value_function)


json_obect parameter with an object you want to use;

key_function parameter with expression to be executed for each key of the object;

value_function with expression to be executed for each value of the object.

If you don't need to trigger function execution for object keys pass {$JEachKey} as a key_function parameter, if no function needs to be run for object values - pass {$JEach} as value_function parameter.

You can get current element by using the merge field "{$JEach}" and you can get current element index by using the merge field "{$JEachIndex}".

14. JVAR

Defines formula local variables.

JVAR(var1_name, va1_value_function, var2_name, va2_value_function, ..., value_function)


var1_name, var2_name , etc. parameters with variables names;

va1_value_function, va2_value_function, etc parameters with an expression to be executed as the value for the variables;

value_function with an expression to be executed as the result of the function.

To get access to the variable use the merge field "{$JVar.var1_name}", where "var1_name" is the variable name.

15. JFOR

Executes specified function for each element of the list.

JFOR(from_decimal, to_decimal, expression, exclude_nulls_boolean_optional)


from_decimal parameter with a number to start loop from;

to_decimal with a number to stop loop at;

expression with expression to be executed for each iteration;

optional exclude_nulls_boolean_optional parameter with true to have null values be excluded from the result, or with false, if include null values.

Last updated